Improvement in Hearing Devices
Decibel Hearing Services has been around for well over a decade and Kelley and I have been audiologists for many years. Hearing aid manufacturers come up with “new and improved” devices every year and while they are certainly improved in many cases, those improvements are not always significant technological advances. But as your audiologists, we…
The Importance of Hearing Aids
The top three physical conditions in Thousand Oaks and throughout the country are: Arthritis Heart disease Hearing loss There are more than 48 million people currently suffering from some type of hearing loss. Of those millions of people, only 20 percent of those who could benefit from the use of a hearing aid actually use…
10 Tips for Efficient Communication with the Hearing Impaired
Communicating With Hearing Loss Communicating well is an art form. Knowing when to pause, listen and laugh are all skills we learn as we age. But do you know the finer points of how to communicate well with someone who has hearing loss? Many people in Thousand Oaks end up simply talking louder, incorrectly assuming…
Are You Living with an Acoustic Neuroma in Thousand Oaks? Part 2: Risks, Diagnostics & Treatment Options
Although acoustic neuromas aren’t the most common audiological concern affecting Thousand Oaks residents’ hearing and balance, these tumors affect a significant number of people throughout California and across the U.S. In Part 1 of this blog post on acoustic neuromas in Thousand Oaks and surrounding regions including Simi Valley covered what they are and how…
Welcome to Our New Office
Those of you who received our most recent newsletter will have seen we moved our Thousand Oaks office to a new location just around the corner. Our new address is: 100 East Thousand Oaks Blvd, #268 Thousand Oaks, CA 91360 Our new location is just off the corner of Moorpark Road. If you turn onto…
Are You Living with an Acoustic Neuroma? Part 1: Understanding Auditory Tumors
An acoustic neuroma is a benign tumor of the inner ear that can cause problems with the auditory system, including hearing loss, tinnitus, vertigo and dizziness, patients of all ages. Acoustic neuromas form on the vestibular nerve, which resides in the inner ear and is responsible for balance. Although these tumors, sometimes referred to as…
The History of Hearing Aids
Think hearing loss is a modern-day condition, occurring in line with the development of personal music players and industrial equipment? Think again. This is the evolution of the hearing aid. Hearing loss has been around for centuries. Up until the 16th century, people assumed individuals with hearing loss also had other disabilities. Individuals were heavily…
Hearing Aid Fitting. The Best Next Step
After months (more likely years) of your family and friends urging you to seek help for your fairly obvious hearing loss, you gave in and had your hearing tested. After your hearing test, your audiologist uses this information to determine the best digital hearing aid for your type and degree of hearing loss. Once the…
Diagnosing Tinnitus
How to Diagnose Tinnitus Have you ever heard a ringing in your ear that could not be attributed to any outside sources? What about a hissing, roaring, sizzling or clicking? If so, it sounds like you may be one of the 50 million Americans currently suffering from tinnitus. Once you have accepted the fact that…
Maintaining Your Hearing Aid
Would you buy a new camera and never clean the lens? What about buying a beautiful five-burner gas stove and never planning to wash off the droplets of dried sauce? Of course not; you are not a monster. Buying a new digital hearing aid and not completing the basic, daily maintenance is just as much…