Does Iron Deficiency Cause Hearing Loss?

People with low iron levels in Simi Valley have a higher risk of developing health problems such as anemia. This, in turn, can lead to additional medical complications – including hearing loss. Iron Deficiency Anemia When you aren’t getting enough iron in your body, your red blood cell count drops. This results in reduced oxygen…
Reverse-Slope Hearing Loss

Most cases of hearing loss in Simi Valley involve an inability to understand high frequency sounds. Women’s and children’s voices are the most difficult to comprehend. A rare type of hearing loss, known as reverse-slope, has the opposite effect: it makes low-frequency sounds hard to hear. Low-Frequency Hearing Loss Damaged hair cells in the cochlea…
Healthy Habits to Protect Your Hearing

We’re almost three months into the new year now, which means most of us broke our resolutions two and a half months ago. But it’s never too late to start practicing healthy habits, and with hearing loss in Simi Valley and throughout California so prevalent, adopting preventative strategies now help prevent problems in the future….
Join Us in Celebrating our 15-Year Anniversary

We love our job and our team and find great pleasure in serving the community. Treating hearing loss to help people reach their full hearing potential and hear the difference in their daily lives is what drives us every day. Our main goal at Decibel is to treat our patients as if they were our…
Age + Hearing Loss = Cognitive Decline

The older we get, the more likely we are to experience declines in physical health. Hearing loss is increasingly common as we age; it affects about one-third of individuals aged 65, and nearly half of all 75-year-olds have hearing loss in Simi Valley. If the condition goes untreated, these people have an increased risk of…
Hearing Aids Can Add Years to Your Life
If you’ve been diagnosed with hearing loss in Simi Valley and have resisted wearing hearing aids, there are many reasons to reconsider. Hearing aids the most effective treatment solution for the vast majority of people with hearing loss – nine out of ten people in Simi Valley who suffer from impaired hearing benefit from their…
Congratulations to the Winner of the 2018 Gift of Hearing Essay Contest

Last December, we ran our second annual Gift of Hearing Essay Contest where we gave away a pair of premium Oticon hearing aids to an individual in need living with hearing loss. Choosing a winner from the many worthy nominees was difficult but after much deliberation, we have selected Eva Bogaardt as the recipient of…
How Hearing Loops Can Improve Your Moviegoing Experience

Moviegoing is a popular pastime for many people in California and across the country. Whether you’re visiting your friendly neighborhood cineplex for a sequel, a prequel or – hey, it happens occasionally! – an original new film, catching a flick is a fun and relaxing way to while away a couple of hours while eating…
How to Shop ‘Til You Drop with Hearing Loss

Black Friday has come and gone. Whether you were out in the trenches with a bazillion other crazed shoppers searching for deals in Thousand Oaks and Simi Valley or preferred to sleep off your turkey coma, there is lots more holiday shopping to be completed before the year is over. If you have hearing loss…
Hearing Aids & Cellphones

Just because you have hearing loss doesn’t mean you aren’t as attached to your smartphone as everybody else! Cellphones are an incredibly convenient way of life for most of us; apps have streamlined our lives, increased our productivity, and given us something to do while standing in line at the grocery store check-out. Maybe you…