This week marks the 12th anniversary of Decibel Hearing Services. I started my own business later in life so it seemed like a big undertaking at the time. Looking back I see that it was the right choice at the right time.
I have been an audiologist for over 30 years, but always worked for someone else. That worked very well when my kids were little and I could work my hours around their schedule. But as they grew older I realized that I would like to run my practice on my terms. I had many wonderful mentors that I worked with and for and I feel I took the best from all of them.
Our main goal at Decibel is to treat our clients as if they were our own friends and family. And indeed, I consider many of you to be a friend. I sincerely enjoy speaking with you and learning all the news in your lives.
I want to thank all of you for your loyal patronage, whether you are new to the practice this year or have been my client from even before I started my own business. You are a joy to work with and I am blessed to have a job that I love and enjoy every day.