Can Yoga Soothe Tinnitus Symptoms?

Yoga is an ancient practice that combines physical postures, breathing exercises and meditation. Although it began as a spiritual practice, it has been adopted as a full-body exercise focused on promoting mental and physical well-being. Research suggests that a few health benefits of yoga include stress management, mental-emotional health support, improved sleep and pain relief….
What Hearing Protection Is Available and How Do I Use It?

Approximately 18% of adults aged 20–69 suffer from speech frequency hearing loss due to prolonged exposure to loud workplace environments. And once your hearing is compromised, you can’t get it back. Therefore, choosing the proper hearing protection tailored to the sound level or activities is crucial. Hearing Protection Options A 2021 study shows the effectiveness…
How To Identify Hearing-Safe Household Cleaners
Exposure to certain chemicals can have damaging effects on our ears, leading to hearing loss, according to the CDC. These chemicals are called ototoxicants, or ototoxic chemicals, and can make our ears more sensitive to noise. It’s important to be aware of the types of ototoxic chemicals found in our homes and take steps to…
Could Your Exercise Routine Cause Hearing Loss or Tinnitus?

Exercise is essential for your physical and mental health. However, if you’re overexerting yourself or working out in a noisy setting, you could be putting your hearing at risk. We review the risks of certain types of exercise and how to exercise safely below. Do Your Ears Get Plugged When You Exercise? If so, you’re…
How to Manage Tinnitus Spikes

Hearing a ringing, buzzing, chirping or humming in the ear is known as tinnitus. While the condition itself will stay the same, how you perceive the sounds can fluctuate. This is known as a tinnitus spike. Understanding a Tinnitus Spike A tinnitus spike occurs when the sounds you are used to hearing change, either becoming…
A Step-by-Step Guide to Tinnitus Sound Therapy

50 million Americans experience tinnitus, a sensation of noise in the ears—typically a ringing, but also described as a buzzing, hissing, roaring, whooshing, clicking or other sound. That’s about 20 percent of the population in Simi Valley and Thousand Oaks! There is no cure for tinnitus, but management strategies such as tinnitus sound therapy can…
Are You Making Your Tinnitus Worse?

As we have discussed on multiple blogs, tinnitus is the sensation of hearing sounds that are not present. We have talked about the initial causes and treatments for tinnitus, but we have not yet discussed what you may be doing that makes your already existing tinnitus worst. Below is your Simi Valley audiologists list of…
Tinnitus Week

February 5-11 is Tinnitus Week. For the second year, the American Tinnitus Association has joined forces with the British Tinnitus Association, Tinnitus Research Initiative and TinnitusHub to help raise global awareness of tinnitus and how it impacts millions around the world. Your hearing loss specialists at Decibel Hearing are proud to be part of the…
Diagnosing Tinnitus
How to Diagnose Tinnitus Have you ever heard a ringing in your ear that could not be attributed to any outside sources? What about a hissing, roaring, sizzling or clicking? If so, it sounds like you may be one of the 50 million Americans currently suffering from tinnitus. Once you have accepted the fact that…
Tinnitus Retraining Therapy
Figuring out the cause of your symptoms is an important step in any treatment process. If your allergies are caused by your pet, you can get allergy shots; if chronic sinus infections are caused by nasal polyps, they can be removed; what happens when your Simi Valley audiologist cannot identify the cause of your tinnitus?…