Hearing Resources for Students
School can be a difficult time, especially for students who are deaf or hard of hearing; these students face challenges many others do not, such as hearing or understanding the lectures and working on group projects with others. According to the nonprofit Deaf to Work, 19 percent of deaf or hard-of-hearing individuals in the U.S….
Tinnitus Week

February 5-11 is Tinnitus Week. For the second year, the American Tinnitus Association has joined forces with the British Tinnitus Association, Tinnitus Research Initiative and TinnitusHub to help raise global awareness of tinnitus and how it impacts millions around the world. Your hearing loss specialists at Decibel Hearing are proud to be part of the…
Congratulations!! Hear for the Holidays Contest Winner
We ran an essay contest in December, giving away a pair of Oticontm premium hearing aids to an individual in need living with hearing loss. Choosing a winner from among the many worthy nominees was difficult, but after much deliberation, we have chosen Gary Chee as the lucky recipient of new hearing aids. Gary was…
Can Balloons Cause Hearing Loss?

Have you ever been at a birthday party only to jump out of your skin because of an unexpected balloon pop? I know I have. Two researchers from the University of Alberta decided this was worth studying. They found that the sound of a balloon popping can cause hearing loss. How Loud is a Balloon?…
Talking to Your Boss About Hearing Loss
There are 48 million people in Simi Valley and throughout the country with hearing loss. Many of these individuals are still actively working in an office. So, the question often comes up: how do you deal with your hearing loss at work? Over the past few decades, hearing loss has become less of a taboo…
What is High-Frequency Hearing Loss?
One of the most common types of hearing loss is caused by aging. Known as presbycusis, this type of hearing loss makes hearing high frequency sounds difficult. High-frequency hearing loss can also be caused by: Exposure to loud noises. Genetics. Ototoxicity. Disease. High frequency hearing loss leads to an individual having trouble hearing sounds in…
Hearing Aid Benefits vs Discount Program
As the year winds down and December approaches, many people try to get into the office as they know their insurance deductible has been met or their insurance is changing next year and they want to take advantage of their benefits before they end. Most insurance plans do not have any hearing aid benefits. Medicare…
What does hearing loss sound like?
Hearing loss is one of the biggest health concerns in Thousand Oaks and throughout the U.S, affecting nearly 48 million people. Since symptoms of this condition appear so gradually, many people are completely unaware they are losing their hearing. The best results come from early intervention; the sooner you get help for your hearing loss…
What is Ototoxicity?
Chances are, you have heard your Simi Valley audiologist mention ototoxicity as a possible cause of hearing loss. But what is it? Ototoxicity refers to chemicals or drugs that are toxic to the ear. These medications can actually damage the hair cells in your inner ear or the vestibulocochlear nerve, which is responsible for sending…
Hearing Loss in the Classroom
Last year, we published an article about what the future of hearing was in schools. Since then, the Center for Disease and Control has estimated that the number of school-aged children with hearing loss has increased from 12 to 14.9 percent. These children suffer from hearing loss of at least 16 dB in one or both ears….