Tinnitus Retraining Therapy
Figuring out the cause of your symptoms is an important step in any treatment process. If your allergies are caused by your pet, you can get allergy shots; if chronic sinus infections are caused by nasal polyps, they can be removed; what happens when your Simi Valley audiologist cannot identify the cause of your tinnitus?…
Client Interaction
I always love it when my clients share information they have found pertaining to hearing loss with me. I learn as much from them as hopefully they do from me. One of my clients, Lois, often sends me articles she has come across in her readings. I’d like to share this article she found in…
Why Do You Hear a Ringing in Your Ears?
Do you ever hear sounds that are not really there? I don’t mean like footsteps in your upstairs hallway or someone saying your name in a crowded Thousand Oaks shop, more like a buzzing, roaring, clicking, hissing or ringing in your ears. If so, you may be experiencing tinnitus. Tinnitus is the sensation of hearing…
When Should You Upgrade Your Hearing Aid?
New Technology, Better Hearing Experience Most people are in no rush to update their belongings, especially when things still work. Is your microwave older than you are? Yeah, but if it still cooks popcorn why purchase a new model? What about that fridge that has been in the house since you purchased it? Sure you…
Baseline Hearing
It always amazes me that our primary care doctors send us for all sorts of tests as we hit another milestone in our lives, yet rarely refer us for a hearing test. I think because hearing loss is not “life and death”, it gets put on the back burner until something happens. But it is…
Tinnitus treatment is just a buzz, ring or click away
When you are alone with your thoughts in sunny Simi Valley, California, as you often are when trying to fall asleep, do you ever hear a ringing, buzzing, roaring or clicking sound? If so, you may need tinnitus treatment. Tinnitus is the sensation of hearing sounds that are not present. The phantom noise may…
Can Young People Also Suffer from Hearing Loss?
Much like poor eyesight and back pain, hearing loss is not confined to just older adults. Children of all ages in the Thousand Oaks area and throughout the country can and do experience hearing loss. Roughly three out of 1,000 babies are born with hearing loss, and its prevalence is on the rise with adolescents. The…
Hooray for Rain!
All of us living in Southern California know that we have experienced drought for way too long. So when this season’s rains came, I think most of us rejoiced. But I have had some of my clients say they don’t wear their hearing aids then. I just want to reassure people that it is okay…
The Link Between Concussions and Hearing Loss
Contact sports, car crashes and falls are the leading causes of concussions in Thousand Oaks, California. A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury caused by a sudden acceleration or deceleration to the head. Headaches, dizziness, temporary loss of consciousness, confusion, fatigue and vomiting are common symptoms of this brain injury. While hearing loss…
Tips for your Valentine’s Dinner
Don’t let your hearing loss prevent you from celebrating love this Valentine’s Day. A romantic dinner out with your partner is no longer out of the question if you follow these simple tips: Choose the right restaurant – there are countless places to eat in Ventura Country and Conejo Valley. Try to pick one that…